martes, 17 de noviembre de 2015


Our lovely language assistant, Olga Drotenko, showed First students a presentation about Piet Mondrian's life and artwork. Then, using the app SKETCHBOOK, digital students wrote their names, fave English word, a sentence or an object in Mondrian's style, that's to say, drawing black perpendicular lines and primary colours: red, blue and yellow. Non-digital students did the same activity but using traditional tools. These are some of their works.

Monse Sarmiento,1ºA

África Aranda,1ºA

Adrián Ávila, 1ºA

Alba Gil,1ºA
Alba Moreno,1ºA

Álvaro Torices,1ºA

Ana Gil, 1ºA

Antonio López,1ºA

Esperanza Martínez,1ºA

Zineb Boukhiss,1ºA

Ramón López,1ºA

José Gabriel Roku,1ºA

Moisés López,1ºA

Carmen María Juarez, 1ºB

Gabriela Díaz, 1ºB

ChengXian Xia, 1ºB

Claudia Pastor, 1ºB

Irene López, 1ºB

Javier Martínez, 1ºB

Daniel López, 1ºB

Wiam Zine, 1ºB

ÁlvaroTorices, 1ºB

María Conesa, 1ºB

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