lunes, 27 de abril de 2020


We practiced using the smallest element of Art, the dot, and then, the line. This is the third element on the list: the SHAPE.
Watch this short video:

WHO IS HENRY MATISSE? Follow this link to know about this great french artist:

Matisse began to use collage as he got older. He used brightly coloured paper and scissors to cut out shapes, animals, leaves, dancers and flowers and then arrange them
Henri Matisse, The Horse, the Rider and the Clown, 1943-4 ...

The horse, the rider and the clown, 1943

This collage shows the different ways Matisse cut out paper: from larger shapes such as the purple horse, to more careful and detailed cutting involved in the yellow, white and black shapes.
Here, Matisse has created lots of shapes that look similar to each other, but each one is a unique leaf. You can see how he has repeated these similar shapes, almost filling the entire picture with leaves.
Spiffing Prints Henri Matisse Spray of Leaves - Extra Large - Semi ...
The sheaf, 1953

The shapes and colours that Matisse uses look as if they are jumping and dancing. They seem to reflect his approach to life. This is something he said: "He/She who loves, flies, runs and free and nothing holds them back"

What do you feel when you look at Henri Matisse's art? Do his pictures make you feel happy?
Why not have a go at creating your own cut out collages? Write in your Red Artist's Book the name of this third element of Art. Use two pages to create a composition with simple shapes and bright colours.


We go on celebrating the World Book Day. The second activity is really fun. It consists of making a FLIPBOOK (folioscopio or filoscopio in Spanish). 

WHAT'S A FLIPBOOK? Follow this link:


I recently came up with a great artist on Instagram: I love his inspiring work full of freedom and creativity.



jueves, 23 de abril de 2020


World Book Day is coming on Thursday 5 March 2020! | National ...

I'm sure you're going to love the proposals related to such a wonderful day.


Think of your favourite book ever. Redesign its cover by using traditional art supplies (colour pencils, watercolours, gouaches, etc) or digital apps. The main aim of the cover of a book is to catch the attention of a possible reader. Knowing that, try to be original!!
As an example, you can see four very different covers of the same book:

Frankenstein - Librería RayuelaFRANKENSTEIN O EL MODERNO PROMETEO - Casa Ruíz Morote

Frankenstein por Mary Shelley | Tienda de Plutón EdicionesGris Grimly's Frankenstein - Mary Shelley - Hardcover

FIRST A AND B ESO STUDENTS: Send me by e-mail two photos: the original book cover and your own design in your artist book (after the last letter of the Great Artists Alphabet). A memorable sentence from the book will be welcome:)

ALUMNOS DE 1ºC ESO: Para celebrar el Día del Libro te propongo dos actividades. La primera consiste en que pienses cual es tu libro favorito hasta hoy. Después, re-diseña su portada. La portada de un libro es fundamental. Su principal objetivo es llamar la atención de posibles lectores. Trata de ser original. Al terminar, envíame un correo electrónico con una imagen del libro que has elegido y otra foto de tu diseño. Sería estupendo que añadieras una frase del libro, aquella que en tu opinión mejor capta su historia o la que más te ha llamado la atención. Tenéis hasta el martes 28 de abril para hacerme llegar vuestra propuesta.


 Area,Text,Brand PNG Clipart - Royalty Free SVG / PNG

jueves, 2 de abril de 2020


Hi there! Let's see if you're able to finish this artistic project. More artworks to illustrate your GREAT ARTISTS ALPHABET:

Click on the image!

Some great paintings by Schiele. Illustrate your favourite.

Two options for letter T

Click on the image!

Dawn after the Wreck, 1841 by W. Turner (Fondation Vuitton, Paris)

Click on the image!

Baile en el Moulin Rouge (1890), by Toulouse-Lautrec

Toulouse-Lautrec-Henri-Dancer-Sun | Dibujos artisticos, Dibujos y ...
"Dancer adjusting her costume"

Click on it!

Paolo Uccello, "San Jorge y el dragón". Temple sobre tabla, hacia ... 
San Jorge y el dragón, 1470

Click on the image!

"The lovers", detail

Remedios Varo - ''Naturaleza muerta resucitando.'' | Producción ...
"Naturaleza muerta resucitando", her last painting

Click on it!

marilyn-monroe-andy-warhol - MalaTinta Magazine
Marilyn Monroe series

Andy Warhol | Maddox Gallery

Sopa Campbell - Andy Warhol | Postres Originales
Campbell's soup series
Andy Warhol. El arte mecánico
Skull series, 1976

Andy Warhol - Skulls, 1976 | Phillips

Click on the image!

Abstract composition, 1947

JEAN XCERON (American, 1890-1967). GEOMETRIC MUSICIANS, sign
"Geometric musicians"

Figure, 1926

Click on the image!

Kiyohara Yukinobu (清原雪信, Japanese, 1643 - 1682): Peony (via ...

Click to go to Prado Museum!

Cordero de Dios, 1635-40

Una taza de agua y una rosa de Francisco Zurbaran (1598-1664 ...
A cup of water and a rose, 1598-1664

Still life with lemons, oranges and a rose, 1633. Detail