miércoles, 15 de junio de 2016


After seeing a presentation about CINEMA and watching the first movies of all history by Lumiere Brothers and Georges Melie, my First Digital and Bilingual Students A and B have shot their first short animation movie. I think they have enjoyed a lot making up the characters, the story and drawing over acetate sheets. Then, they have taken photos and used an app to put them together and created the idea of movement. (Notice some of them have used a famous painting as a background). Congrats. Great works!!!

Gabriela Díaz y Juliana Sainz, 1ºB

Paula Navarro, Lucía Rodríguez y Wiam Zine, 1ºB

Monse Sarmiento, 1ºA

Sergio Olivares e Irene López, 1ºB

Ángel Alonso, Marta Hernández y Javier Martínez, 1ºB

Alba Moreno y Mónica Moreno, 1ºA

Adrián Ávila y Álvaro Torices, 1ºA

Eduardo Botías, Álvaro Bellod y daniel López, 1ºB

Ramón López, 1ºA

Alejandro Belando, Adrián Castillo e Idrissa Diallo, 1ºB

Alba y Ana Gil, 1ºA

Miguel López y Javier Sánchez, 1ºA

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